I never had a formal dining room growing up. I grew up in Louisiana and most of the homes down there didn't have a separate dining room unless it was a new build or a plantation home. Traditional homes were all about a big eat in kitchen.
Homes here in Maryland almost always have a dining room. So when we were looking for a house to buy, I was indifferent to the dining room idea and didn't really care much about what our future home's dining room looked like. Once we moved in I realized we should probably invest in some furniture or else we would just have this random empty room. I don't know if we'll ever even use our dining room, but hey, now we can say we have one!
You can see in the before picture above, we inherited some nice drapes, an old school gold light fixture with lamp shades on every bulb, and some classy looking wainscoting. Oh, and of course you can see the floors before we refinished them!
Looks a million times better, just after having the floors redone :)
What to do with this room? We decided to use the same paint color as the kitchen because they share a wall (there's another entrance to the dining room towards the left). I thought the wainscoting could use a little updating, so I taped it all off and painted around it. The drapes came down. A new light fixture went up. We ordered some furniture from World Market
(after LOTS and LOTS of searching for the perfect dining table), and voila!
Now we just need to find a window treatment and something to put on the wall on the right side. Shelves or a photo collage maybe?
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