- Paint the living room. I've had the paint for a while but decided to hold off for the sake of not having to move the Christmas tree and all the furniture to the middle of the room around the holidays. I hope to actually get it done this month!
- Finish decorating the foyer/entryway. We painted it and instealled new light fixtures in November. I still need to find an entry table, a rug, and some artwork and accessories. I want to get it totally finished by the end of the month because once I'm done with that, I can finally move on to the upstairs!!!
- Organize the basement. This is going to be a tough one. We moved in rather quickly since we closed on the house, got married, went on our honeymoon, and moved out of our rental all in a two week time frame, so a lot of stuff just got shoved in the basement. There are piles EVERYWHERE. It's an unfinished basement, so it's not a huge deal. But chaos stresses me out. So I NEED to organize it!!!!
- Post wedding pictures. I would like to share our wedding with you! This month I hope to get some pictures uploaded and share some of the details with you!
- Update aquarium stand. Since we moved we put our saltwater fish into a smaller tank for ease of moving. Before we move them back to their bigger tank, we want to sand and paint the stand to match my new craft room/office area. This is something Pete can help with, so hopefully we can cross it off our to do list this month too!
- Organize the craft room. Before I move the aquarium into this room, I want to finish organizing everything to make space for it! It would also be helpful to be more organized so that I can start spending more time on crafts and scrapbooking without having to dig around for stuff.
- Create a home binder. What better way to start off an organized new year than by building a home binder!?! I see them all over Pinterest and have started collecting ideas for things that I feel are important to keep track of. I'm currently looking for a pretty binder so I can get started!
- Set up a budget. Hubby and I are working on combining our finances and accounts so we are going to set up a working budget. Lucky for me, hubby works in finance, so it shouldn't be too tricky :)
That seems like a lot to accomplish in one month, but one of my personal resolutions is to be more productive, so we'll see how it goes! :) Please let me know if you have any ideas that might help me out with one of my goals!!!

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