- Paint the living room. Not done. Sadly. The paint is just sitting there waiting. It WILL be done this month for sure!
- Finish decorating the foyer/entryway. Working on it! All that's left is finding a few frames for the wall, painting a mirror, and buying a rug!
- Organize the basement. Not done. We've had some unusually cold weather this month and I just couldn't bring myself to bundle up for working in the basement. If it's warming in February, we'll tackle it then!
Post wedding pictures. Done! You can see them here!- Update aquarium stand. Work in progress. We started it in the garage. But again, FREEZING outside, so we put finishing it on hold. Come to think of it, the paint can sitting out there might possibly be frozen....
Organize the craft room.Done! You can see it here!Create a home binder. Done!Set up a budget.Done! Sort of... We got ourselves organized for it and are tracking our trends.
What else did I spend my time in January doing? Well, I was mostly focused on making this blog more appealing and user friendly! I changed my header multiple times, added a font I like, changed the color of my background, added a signature, added buttons, added popular posts to my side bar, made some pages to keep things organized, the list goes on and on! Check out my Pinterest for some of the resources I used! I'm certainly not done working on it yet and there is TONS more to learn about blogging, but hopefully the changes I've made are for the best! Eventually I'll try to make a post organizing all of the tips and tricks I've learned from the resources on my Pinterest blogging board.
Now for February... What shall we do this month?
- Finish the foyer. Promise I will finish it this month!!!
- Finish painting the living room and add some decor to the walls.
- Finish updating the aquarium stand and start setting up the aquarium.
- Work on organizing the basement if weather permits! Brrrr!!!
- Decorate the guest bedroom and work on making it guest friendly.
- Paint the stairway and upstairs hallway. This is ambitious. It might get pushed off to March, but we'll see!!
- Continue learning how to use my new d-SLR.
- Continue learning how to perfect my blog!
Happy February!

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