I can't believe it's March already! 2014 is already flying by.
We started the month of March with a celebration! One of our friends got married yesterday!! And you know I lovvve weddings :) So Pete and I showed off our terrible dancing skills and boogied on the dance floor with some of my best friends! I'm so lucky to have such an awesome group of friends!
I used to think of spring when March came along... but here on the "western shore" of Maryland spring comes a little later. In fact, we're supposed to get 8 inches of snow tomorrow! Oh well. Maybe getting snowed in again will give me time to accomplish some of my to do list!
Here's what we got done in February...
Finish the foyer.Mostly done! Just need a rug! (I'll post some pictures tomorrow!)Finish painting the living room and add some decor to the walls. Finished!Finish updating the aquarium stand and start setting up the aquarium. Painted it!- Work on organizing the basement. Again, freezing month. Didn't get it done. Pete promised to help me in the spring when it gets a little warmer.
Decorate the guest bedroom and work on making it guest friendly. Done, halfway! I bought tons of accessories at a big Hobby Lobby sale! I just need to find places for everything :)- Paint the stairway and upstairs hallway. Like I said last month, I didn't think I would get it done, but wanted to put it on my list just in case. Part of the problem is we need to buy a bigger ladder in order to paint the stairwell... but unfortunately we don't have a truck! Anybody want to deliver a ladder? :)
Continue learning how to use my new d-SLR. I've been practicing every chance I get! Lots to learn though! Check out my Pinterest board for some of the tips I've been using!Continue learning how to perfect my blog!Yes! I feel like every month my blog is looking better and better. We're getting there :) If you're starting your own blog, check out some tips on Pinterest here!
- Paint the one blue wall of the guest room to match the other three walls. I'm tired of looking at that wall!
- Finish decorating the guest bedroom and work on making it guest friendly
- Paint the stairway and upstairs hallway
- Clean out the old aquarium and start getting it up and running! My poor little clownfish are desperate to have their old home back. Need more swimming space! :)
- Create artwork for dining room. I'm thinking of doing a big canvas!
- Learn how to use my new sewing machine. I got it for Christmas and haven't had a chance to play with it yet. Maybe I'll attempt to make some curtains :)
In other news...
We discovered there is hardwood under the carpet upstairs! Woohoo!! So that will definitely be a future project :)
Check back soon to see some of my March projects :)

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