Your Turn To Shine- No. 14

Your Turn To Shine weekly link party! Share your crafts and recipes!

Hey there! It's that time of the week again... time to show off your latest creations! We can't wait to see what you've been working on! 

Your Turn To Shine- link party

Your Turn To Shine link party button

Your Turn To Shine link party
- No Etsy stores, giveaways, or link parties.
- Please link to a specific post on your blog, not your blog's home page.
- Link back to one of our blogs with a text link or party button.
- By submitting a link, you're giving us permission to feature your project on our blogs and on social media.  Proper credit and a link back to your post will always be given.  

Each week, a few of our favorites will be featured on all four of our blogs.  Features will also be pinned to our Pinterest Party Board for even more exposure!  If you were featured, be sure to grab a button!

We would love to connect with you on social media!

Jamie from anderson & grant || Facebook || Instagram || Pinterest || Twitter  
Vicki & Amy from Canary Street Crafts || Facebook || Instagram || Pinterest || Twitter || Google+
Kendra from Joy In Our Home || Facebook || Instagram || Pinterest 
Nicole from Meet The B's || Facebook || Pinterest || Twitter || Google+
Lauren from Bless'er House Bless'er House || Facebook || Instagram || Pinterest || Twitter || Google+

Your Turn To Shine link party
YTTS features week 14

Kendra's pick: Finding My Style In The New Year from Around The Watts House
Jamie's pick: Spicy Cheese Toast from Year-Round Giving
Lauren's pick: 5 Functional Storage Suggestions from Maison de Pax
Nicole's pick: Winter Framed Wreath from Our House Now A Home
Amy & Vicki's pick: Home Office In A Closet from The Crazy Craft Lady

Your Turn To Shine link party
My pick this week is this fun kitchen mat makeover! Can you believe this before and after?? Head on over to Dwelling in Happiness to find out how to turn your old kitchen mat into a bright and cheery new one!

Follow our Pinterest board to see all of our features!

Follow Kendra's board Your Turn To Shine on Pinterest.

Now, it's time to link up! Show us what you've been working on!

post signature

>>> See where I link up each week! <<<


  1. Hi Nicole - I’m Lori and I’m a fellow DIY/craft/design blogger. I got your info from our BlogHer Facebook group. I’m really loving your blog! Going to try and get on the link party tonight. So fun! Look forward to more of your posts!

  2. Thanks for hosting, Nicole! And thank you SO much for featuring my mat re-do!! :) Hope your week is going great!

  3. Thank you so much for featuring my winter wreath!
